The European Association of Veterinary Education Establishments (EAEVE) was founded in 1988 at Maisons-Alfort (France). The administrative office was later moved to Brussels (Belgium) and at the end of 2007, the EAEVE office moved to Vienna (Austria).
The vision of EAEVE is to be an official accreditation authority for Veterinary Schools in Europe. Has as mission that of evaluating and promoting the quality development of veterinary schools and the teaching that takes place there.
The main objective of the EAEVE is to monitor the harmonization of the minimum standards of Veterinary study programs in the European Union established in the DIRECTIVE 2005/36/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of September 7, 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications and on the DIRECTIVE 2013/55/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of November 20, 2013 amending Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications and Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012 on administrative cooperation through the Internal Market Information System ("IMI Regulation").
For this, the EAEVE has established the European Veterinary Education Assessment System jointly with the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE).
In January 2009 our Faculty received a visit from the European evaluators and was positively evaluated until April 2019.
In July 2021, our Faculty received a visit from European evaluators and was positively evaluated until February 2026.
Self Evaluation Report (and list of appendices)

Self Evaluation Report (PDF version)
- 0.Introduction
- 1. Objectives and Organization
- 2. Finance
- 3.Resume
- 4. Facilities and equipment
- 5. Animal resources and teaching material of animal origin
- 6. Learning resources
- 7. Student admission, progression and welfare
- 8. Student assessment
- 9. Academic and support staff
- 10. Research programmes, continuing and postgraduate education
- 11. Outcome Assessment and Quality Assurance
- ESEVT indicators
- Glossary and list of appendices
- ANNEX I Response to Suggestion in previous Final Report.
- ANNEX II Current Academic Staff (Excel File).
- ANNEX III Current Support Staff (Excel File).
- ANNEX IV Units of study of the core veterinary program taken by each student:
- ANNEX V Extramural Facilities for Core Subjects
- ANNEX VI EPT Facilities
- ANNEX VII Isolation Facility for Equine (underconstruction)
- ANNEX VIII Large Animal Hospitalization Area (proposed project).
- ANNEX IX List of Final Degree Projects and research experienced by students:
- ANNEX X List of Objectives and Competences of the Veterinary Curriculum
- ANNEX XI Quality Assurance Procedures (translation into English)
- ANNEX XII List of scientific publications from the Establishment's academic staff:
- ANNEX XIII Maps of the Establishment and the intra-mural and extra-mural facilities. This is a link to Google Maps. Description of Facilities are detailed in ANNEX V.
- ANNEX XIV PhD graduating annually
The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine prepared a self report que sirve de base para la visita.
Final report of the visit (report)
The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine prepared a self report.
Final report of the visit (report).